Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Six Weeks of Positivity

Besides posting about my art, my #1 reason for having a Tumblr account is to troll for new art. Pieces that inspire me, surprise me, and get me thinking. Recently, I've found a blog that does all of those things. (or simply has some terrifically fun pieces. More so, below each piece is a phrase of wisdom, a little push in the right direction. Each post I scrolled through got me thinking: Do I do these things? Can I do these things? 

Those questions soon became a challenge. 

I chose six of my favorite pieces and will be posting one each Monday. Then Chris (who agreed to partake) and I will see if we can follow the advice throughout each week. The mission? Simple. Make small, positive steps forward on the road of life while enjoying great artwork. 

This will be the week 1 challenge on Monday: 

Want to join in on the fun? Write in the comments of Monday's post, or in our follow up post at the end of next week, to let us know what you've done to notice the world outside your window!  

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